Venue: Obstetrics and Gynaecology Outpatient Department (OBGY OPD)
Date: 10th March 20222
Time: 11.00 AM - 12.30 PM
Programme Organizer : Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (OBGY)
Total number of participants :52 (10 Male+ 42 Female)
Health Awareness activity was conducted on the occasion of Women’s Day from to 12.30.00pm at Obstetrics &Gynaecology OPD in Symbiosis Medical College for Women (SMCW) Symbiosis University and Research Centre (SUHRC).
Patients and relatives accompanying them were gathered in OBGY OPD. The programme was started with welcome and introduction. Speech regarding Awareness of Break the bias was delivered & Street Play was organized. Power point presentation & demonstration regarding Menstrual Hygiene and Menstrual Cup was made. Following above, queries of women were clarified. The event was successful in creating awareness among participants.
Programme details –
Facilitators -
Programme conducted and hosted – Ms. Seema Rathod (Medical Social Worker OBGY & GNY)
Guest introduction & Vote of Thanks -S/N Saraswati Karkar (OBGY & GNY)
Poster Making – S/N Jayashree and Priya Pathak (Peads MSW)
Street Play – College of Nursing Students (SCON)