Venue: MEU Demonstration Hall, Building no-4
Date: 17-19th March 2021,Conducted under the aegis of RC, AFMC Pune
Time: 09.00 am – 5:00 pm
Medical Education Unit (MEU) of Symbiosis Medical College for Women (SMCW) and Symbiosis University Hospital and Research Centre (SUHRC) organized first 3-day Revised Course Basic Workshop and training in Attitude, Ethics, and Communication (AETCOM) during 17-19 March 2021 under the aegis of Regional center; Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC) Pune, monitored by NMC observer, Lt. Col. Dr. Mahima Lall (Professor, Department of Microbiology, AFMC).
The workshop was attended by 30 in-house participants and 8 resource faculty from MEU.
Taking into an account the current pandemic scenario; the workshop was organized considering the social distancing norms, and provision of preventive measures. All participants and resource faculties were wearing mask during the entire workshop.
The program was inaugurated by honorable Dean SMCW, Lt. Col Dr. T. Vijaya Sagar.
Participants were provided with the required learning resources in hand before the workshop itself as per the directions from the regional center. Pretest was conducted before workshop. Appropriate learning facilities with AV aids were arranged at the venue.
The inaugural function was followed by icebreaking session and introduction of participants from each group; this session was followed by other sessions such as, System’s Approach, Principles of adult learning, Goals, roles and Competencies: CBME, Learning domains and progression of learning, Objectives - Writing objectives - Developing objectives from competencies, Linking learning and assessment with competencies, Workshop on writing objectives, Introduction to assessment for day 1.
Day 2 began with choosing a teaching method for objectives and competencies – Workshop followed by Interactive and Innovative teaching methods including Large Group (Demo), Small Group (with demo) and appropriate use of media, writing a lesson plan, Assessment planning and quality assurance, Writing the correct essay question, short answer question and MCQ, Internal assessment and Formative assessment.
Day 3 began with discussion on AETCOM Module: Reflection and Narrative, followed by Matching assessment to competency, objectives and learning Workshop - Choosing the right assessment, Effective clinical and practical skill teaching, Assessment of clinical and practical skills, Improving SDL through technology, Educational networking for growth, and Feedback.
The workshop was concluded with valedictory function followed by certificate distribution to the participants of workshop by NMC observer and Deputy Dean Dr. Hitendra Batra. The entire workshop was meticulously planned as per the standard guidelines provided by the regional center. The sessions were made more interesting by providing the hands on training and planned activities, which ensured active learner participation. The workshop was monitored by NMC observer throughout. The observer in her concluding remarks expressed her happiness for attending the workshop, she appreciated the MEU for the time bound smooth conduct of the workshop providing an entirely unique learning experience to all participants including herself.
Few glimpses from the workshop……….