The Department of Community Medicine is situated on the 2nd floor of Symbiosis Medical College for Women. The department is actively involved in undertaking quality research and delivering technical knowledge to the students and health care workers. It functions for the delivery of comprehensive health care services through its affiliated rural and urban health training centres (RHTC & UHTC) for improving the health status of the community in the rural and urban areas. The department also performs community outreach activities in 35 identified villages of Taluka Mulshi by providing healthcare care services to rural and migrant population through the Symbiosis Community Outreach Program Extension (SCOPE) department.
Name:- Dr. Reshma Patil
M.B.B.S., D.P.H, M.D. (Community Medicine)
Madam has done her specialization in Community Medicine in addition to diploma in Public Health. She is a dedicated teacher with 24 years of teaching experience for medical undergraduates. She has worked in the reputed medical colleges like Grant Medical College in Mumbai, Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College in Mumbai and Bharati Vidyapeeth (DTU) Medical College in Pune.
She is interested in research work and received research grants for conducting the same. she has guided more than 25 undergraduate projects. Madam has acted as a Coinvestigator for “Impact of Air pollution on Respiratory Health of Adult population of Pune, Maharashtra submitted to Department of Science and Technology, Sub-investigator for “Pneumonia Research Initiative in rural area and urban slums of Maharashtra” funded by Bill and Melinda gates Foundation through Inclen Trust International, Delhi and for project on “COPD in general population (OSCAR)” in collaboration with Chest Research Foundation funded by CIPLA.
She has done Consultancy for Department of Ophthalmology, Dinanath Mangeshkar Hospital, Pune on project titled “Prevalence and awareness study of Glaucoma in urban slum population of Pune city” in 2009 and was one of the Member of a consultant team for preparation of Project Proposal for HALO Medical Foundation, Aurangabad submitted to PATH titled “Maternal and New-born health through Self Help Group in Solapur city, Maharashtra – towards democratization of health care” in 2010. She has administrative skills and has expertise in MCI Inspection documentation, successfully completed 4 MCI inspection in symbiosis Medical College for Women till now.
• Editorial board member of IJCRR from November 2021
• Resource faculty for course in “Research Methodology Workshop” for post graduate students from 2012- 2019 in BVDUMC, Pune
• Ist prize for poster presentation in National conference at MG Medical College, Aurangabad in 2015
• IInd prize in free paper presentation in XI Annual Research Society Conference, 2014 at Bharati Vidyapeeth University Medical College, Pune. Dr. Saroj Jha Best research paper Award on “Health Education and/or gender Issues” for research paper in Joint Annual Conference of Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine (IAPSM) Maharashtra Chapter in 2011
• Received recognition as Green Game Ambassador and appreciation of contribution in the III Commonwealth Youth Games Pune 2008
• Involved in training (TOT) on “Rollout of Rotavirus Vaccine in the Public Health System” for Medical officers and health workers working in Government sector at Junner, Maharashtra in October 2015
• Member of organizing committee for Maharashtra IPHA & IAPSM Joint Conference, 2015 organized on “Emerging Threats in Public Health” by Department of Community Medicine, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University Medical; College, Pune, Maharashtra held on 30th and 31stJanuary 2015
• Member of organizing committee for Preconference CME, 29th January 2015 On “Scientific Research Proposal Development” by Department of Community Medicine, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University Medical college, Pune, Maharashtra.
• Member of organizing committee for CME organized on “Vector Borne Diseases organized by Department of Community Medicine, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University Medical; College, Pune, Maharashtra held on 3rd August 2014.
• Co-organizing Secretary for CME organized on “Healthy Ageing” organized by department of Community Medicine, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University Medical College, Pune, Maharashtra held on 4th April 2012
• Programme coordinator for Midterm Evaluation of Sure Start project, Solapur titled “Maternal and Newborn Health through Self Help Group – towards democratization of health care, A midterm study”, March 2009.
• She is a life member of professional bodies like Indian Association of Public health and Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine
She has 28 paper publications in national and international journals and 1 Book chapter.
Madam has conducted many Health education and health awareness sessions in urban slum and rural area (field practice area of urban and rural health centre of Medical college) for general public including the vulnerable groups. She had interactive sessions in the form of workshops, celebration of public health days etc with Anganwadi workers, Supervisors and ASHA. She acted as judge for healthy baby competitions, recipe competition etc. organized by anganwadi workers. She is actively involved in organizing health camps, specialist’s camps in field practice area of urban and rural health training centre.
The Community Medicine Department in SMCW has a museum with sufficient models, instruments and items covering various topics of public health importance. The placement of items is well placed as per different sections covering the different topics under the subject.
The department also contains a laboratory with set of simple and compound microscopes and teaching equipment consisting of audio-visual aids, microphone, speakers, projector. There are displays of department created posters for learners’ general knowledge and information.
An individual departmental demonstration room with a seating capacity for 75 students and necessary A-V AIDS is present.
There is an individual seminar room with A-V facility for the presenter, display board, and required seating capacity.
There is also an individual library room with a seating facility containing recent newer editions of required textbooks, and journals.
A separate research laboratory is present for the learners giving additional space for future learning for data entry, compilation, coding, analysis, and presentation.
Dr. Reshma Patil (Professor) |
2024 | 2024 Meghana Narendran *, Sphurti Chate, Reshma Patil.Community-based intervention to dengue prevention: Insights from urban residents in Pune, using the health belief model.Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 30 (2024) 101779 | |
2024 | Gore MN, Patil R, Pathak R. Cultural Perspectives on Health Communication: The Case of Katkari Tribals in Western Maharashtra, India. In Public Health Communication Challenges to Minority and Indigenous Communities 2024 Chapter 6 (pp. 76-91). IGI Global. | |
2024 | Barve S, Gore M, Datir D, Patil R. A study about awareness and utilization of ‘Nikshay Poshan Yojana’ benefits in selected tuberculosis units in Pune district in India (2024) Indian Journal of Tuberculosis (published online) | |
2024 | Manisha Nitin Gore, Madeline Elizabeth Drozd, Reshma Sudhir Patil. Anemia Prevalence and Socioeconomic Status among Adolescent Girls in Rural Western India: A Cross-Sectional Study. Ethiop J Health Sci. 2024;34(1):57. | |
2023 | Bhakare M, Nikalje R, Patil R, Shukla U, Bokade T, Sakhare G, et al. View Score: An early warning score to detect possible complications among COVID-19 patients. J Family Med Prim Care 2023; 12:3160-6. | |
2023 | Patil RS, Gothankar JS. Metabolic Syndrome among urban slum population of Pune City: A pilot study. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 2023;16:S195-99. | |
2022 | Nimbalkar AV, Gothankar JS, Patil RS, Pandve HT. Promotion of eco-friendly Diwali: A students' perspective. Environ Dis [serial online] 2022 [cited 2023 Feb 8];7:70-5. (published in September 2022) | |
2022 | D Ghorpade, J Londhe, S Madas, A Raghupathy, N Kale, A Narula, R Patil, P P R Doke, S Salvi. Development of a Community Screening tool for COPD in India: The OSCAR study. European Respiratory Journal 2022 60: 2905 (published in April 2022) | |
2021 | Prevalence of the Acute Respiratory Infections and Associated Factors in the Rural Areas and Urban Slum Areas of Western Maharashtra, India: A Community-Based Cross-Sectional Study | |
2021 | COPD awareness in the urban slums and rural areas around Pune city in India. npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine (2021) | |
2020 | Assessment of the status of malnutrition and immunization coverage in under-five children attending Anganwadis. | |
2020 | Model package of Behavioral Change Communication regarding childhood pneumonia and its risk factors: a pre-post assessment | |
2019 | Risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus: An urban perspective | |
2018 | Green school audit of twenty-two schools in Pune city | |
2018 | Reported incidence and risk factors of childhood pneumonia in India: a community-based cross-sectional study |
Dr. Priya Kulkarni |
1 | 2023 | Emotional intelligence from gender perspective during mid to late adolescence in an Indian context. Kulkarni PY, Velhal G. 2023. Indian J Community Med (48(2):1-3, March- April 2023, Online first, ) | |
2 | 2022 | Interventions to enhance the efficacy of the National Iron Plus Initiative Program among adolescent girls. Kulkarni PY, Bhawalkar JS, Jadhav AA. By J of pharmaceutical negative results. 2022. 13 (S7), 1350-58. | |
3 | 2022 | Emerging reversal of socio-economic gradient for mental health derangement among adolescent girls in metropolitan cities, India. Kulkarni, P, Velhal G. NeuroQuantology, Nov 2022;20(15). 5469-77. | |
4 | 2022 | Anaemia control programs in India need to be more comprehensive. Kulkarni PY, Bhawalkar JS, Jadhav AA. Indian J Public Health 2022;66:358-61. | |
5 | 2022 | Impact of online education on mental health of matriculating adolescents during COVID-19 pandemic in Western India. Kulkarni, P, Velhal G. 2022. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S8), 3775–3781. | |
6 | 2021 | Nutritional Status of Adolescent girls in Corporation Schools in India: Still the Goal is Far Ahead. | |
7 | 2019 | Beneficial Effect of Repaglinide & Voglibose Combination in the Treatment of Fasting & Post-Prandial Hyperglycemia Among Diabetics in South Maharashtra. |
1 | 2021 | Amruta Barhate, Prakash Bhatia, Epidemiological perspectives of COVID-19 in Telangana and India: a descriptive study design, International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health 2021 Apr;8(4):1817-1825 |
2 | 2020 | Amruta Barhate, Prasad Pore, Amol Nath. Knowledge and attitude about eye donation amongst anganwadi workers in a rural block of Pune district in India: a quasi-experimental study, International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health 2020 Sep;7(9):3669-3673 |
3 | 2020 | Amruta Barhate, Prasad Pore, Jayashree Gothankar, Prakash Bhatia, Psychological profile and impact of addiction/s amongst women attending a de-addiction center in Pune city of India, International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 2020 Sep;7(9):3350-3353 |
1 | 2024 | 2024 Meghana Narendran *, Sphurti Chate, Reshma Patil.Community-based intervention to dengue prevention: Insights from urban residents in Pune, using the health belief model.Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 30 (2024) 101779 |
2 | 2022 | Sphurti Uday Chate, Chandra Shrishail Metgud. Pregnancy outcome among high-risk pregnant women in the rural area of Belagavi, Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, Volume 11: Issue 8: August 2022 |
3 | 2020 | Chate SU, Mahantshetti G. Intimate partner violence and psychiatric morbidity among married women in urban area. Natl J Community Med. 2020;11(6):235-239 |
1 | 2023 | Diyah Ann Thomas, Meenakshi Bhakare, Suyash Patil, Jitendra Gupta and Savita V Jadhav. A study of prevalence and frequency of different comorbidities among patients of tuberculosis in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Western Maharashtra population after COVID-19 pandemic. Teikyo Medical Journal 2023/ 46(02)/ 7933-7943 |
2 | 2023 | Laxmi Kant Dwivedi, Bidhubhusan Mahaptra, Anjali Bansal, Jitendra Gupta, Abhishek Singh, and T.K. Roy. Intra-cluster correlations in socio-demographic variables and their implications: An analysis based on large-scale surveys in India, SSM - Population Health, 2023/ 101317 |
3 | 2022 | Shri Kant Singh, Aditi Aditi and Jitendra Gupta. Spatial clustering and meso-scale correlates of thyroid disorder among women in India: evidence from the National Family Health Survey (2015–16), Journal of Public Health 2022/30/ 2687-2700 |
4 | 2021 | International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) and ICF. 2021. National Family Health Survey (NFHS)-5, State and District Factsheets, Chhattisgarh. Mumbai: IIPS. |
5 | 2021 | National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5), 2019-21: Manipur |
6 | 2021 | Jitendra Gupta. Contributing Factors of Malnutrition and Childhood Mortalities in Bihar: A Study of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe, 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Management and Technology (ICRAMT-2020) January 08-09, 2021 |
7 | 2020 | Shri Kant Singh, Jitendra Gupta, Himani Sharma, Sarang P. Pedgaonkar and Nidhi Gupta. Socio-economic correlates and spatial heterogeneity in the prevalence of asthma among young women in India. BMC Pulmonary Medicine, 2020/20 (190) |
8 | 2020 | Jitendra Gupta, Devarupa Gupta and Ajay Gupta. Utilization of Public Health Services in India: Evidence from National Family Health Survey Demography India, 2020/49(1)/ 91-111 |
9 | 2019 | Gyan Chandra Kashyap, Jitendra Gupta, Shri Kant Singh, Manish Singh and Madhumita Bango. Addressing the disease burden of asthma and chronic bronchitis due to tobacco consumption: a study of Kanpur, India., Journal of Public Health, 2019/28/ 313-322 |
10 | 2020 | Jitendra Gupta, Ramu Rawat Afsaneh Mirzaei. Age of Initiation of Tobacco Consumption in India: Evidence from ... |
1 | 2023 | Manjit Mahendran, Arvind Kumar, Smriti Hari, Mohd Usman, Maroof Ahmad Khan, Piyush Ranjan, Manish Soneja, Naval K. Vikram, Ashutosh Biswas, Praveen Aggarwal and Naveet Wig. Subclavian Vein Collapsibility as a Predictor of Fluid Responsiveness in Spontaneously Breathing Hypotensive Patients, New Emirates Medical Journal |
2 | 2022 | Arvind Kumar, Anand Rajendran, Mohd Usman, Jatin Ahuja, Sameer Samad, Ankit Mittal, Prerna Garg, Upendra Baitha, Piyush Ranjan and Naveet Wig. Development and validation of a questionnaire to evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practices regarding travel medicine amongst physicians in an apex tertiary hospital in Northern India, Tropical Diseases, Travel Medicine and Vaccines (2022) 8:13 |
3 | 2022 | Mohd Usman, Umenthala Srikanth Reddy, Laeek Ahemad Siddiqui, Adrita Banerjee. Exploration of spatial clustering in maternal health continuum of care across districts of India: A geospatial analysis of demographic and health survey data, Spatial analysis of maternal continuum of care across districts of India |
4 | 2022 | Mohd Usman, Rajni Singh, Sayeed Unisa. Sleep Disturbance Among PhD Students: Evidence from a Survey of Three Indian Universities, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), 2022 IJRAR April 2022, Volume 9, Issue 2 |
5 | 2023 | Harihar Sahoo, Preeti Dhillon, Enu Anand, Anjula Srivastava, Mohd Usman, Praween K. Agrawal, Robert Johnston and Sayeed Unisa. Status and correlates of non-communicable diseases among children and adolescents in slum and non-slum areas of India's four metropolitan cities, Journal of Biosocial Science (2023) |
6 | 2022 | Sayeed Unisa and Mohd Usman. Health and Nutritional Status: The Context of Muslims |
7 | 2022 | Mohd Usman, Enu Anand, Saddaf Naaz Akhtar, Srikanth Reddy Umenthala, Tarique Anwar and Sayeed Unisa. Prevalence and correlates of alcohol and tobacco consumption among research scholars: evidence from a cross-sectional survey of three Indian universities |
8 | 2022 | Preeti Dhillon, Harihar Sahoo, Mohd Usman, Anjula Srivastava, Praween K. Agrawal, Robert Johnston, Sayeed Unisa. Status and correlates of micronutrient deficiencies in slum and non-slum areas of India’s four metropolitan cities: Investigation from CNNS, Social Science & Medicine 309 (2022) 115259 |
9 | 2021 | Mohd. Usman, Adrita Banerjee, Shobhit Srivastava. Association between maternal health continuum of care and child Survival: Evidence from a population based survey, Children and Youth Services Review 128 (2021) 106134 |
10 | 2020 | Mohd Usman, Enu Anand, Laeek Siddiqui and Sayeed Unisa. Continuum of maternal health care services and its impact on child immunization in India: an application of the propensity score matching approach, Journal of Biosocial Science (2020) |
1 | 2023 | Pramod P Kulkarni, Deepak S Telange, Sunil M Sagare, Anant A Takalkar. Prevalence of high-risk individuals for type 2 diabetes mellitus with Indian Diabetes Risk (IDRS) score in bank employees of Urban Maharashtra. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. 2023;10(3). |
2 | 2022 | Deepak S Telange, Pramod Kulkarni. Knowledge, attitude and practices in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in Latur city of Maharashtra. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. 2022;9(2). |
3 | 2021 | Pramod P Kulkarni, Mukund D Bhise, Anant A Takalkar, Sunil M Sagare. Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Bank Employees of Latur City of Maharashtra. Annals of Community Health. 2021;9(1). |
4 | 2019 | Pramod P Kulkarni, Bhaskar S Gaikawad, Anant A Takalkar, Mukund D Bhise. Prevalence of obesity amongst bank employees in Latur city of Maharashtra, India. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health. 2019;6(9):3685-3688. |
5 | 2019 | Udaykiran Bhalge, Bhaskar Gaikwad, Pramod Kulkarni, Anant A Takalkar, Mukund D Bhise. Assessment of Awareness about cardiovascular disease factors amongst first-year medical students. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health. 2019;6(1). |
6 | 2019 | Bhaskar Gaikwad, Udaykiran Bhalge, Pramod Kulkarni, Anant Takalkar, Sunil Sagare, Mukund Bhise. Knowledge regarding diabetes mellitus amongst arts, science and commerce college students of Latur city, Maharashtra. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health. 2019;6(2). |
1 | 2023 | Parvati Nair, Sarita Wadhva, Ujwala Ukey, Uday Narlawar, Aditi Dabir, Maternal determinants of low birth weight- a record-based study from a tertiary care centre in central India, International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Nair P et al. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2023 Feb;10(2):795-798 |
2 | 2022 | Ujwala U. Ukey, Sanjeev M Chaudhary, Sarita K Sharma, Uday W. Narlawar, Ravikant Singh, Aditi Dabir, Awareness and Satisfaction About COVAXIN Vaccination Services at an Immunization Clinic in Nagpur: A Cross-Sectional Study, 2022 Ukey et al. Cureus 14(1) |
3 | 2021 | Ravikiran Padmakar Kamate, Girija Mahantsheeti, Aditi Dabir, Assessment of risk factors for substance abuse among adolescents in urban slums of Belagavi - A cross sectional study, MedPulse International Journal of Community Medicine, Print ISSN: 2579-0862, Online ISSN: 2636-4743, Volume 20, Issue 1, October 2021 pp 12-16 |