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Vision & Mission

The Department of Anatomy is situated on the 1st floor of the Symbiosis Medical College for Women on the picturesque Lavale Hill-base Campus. The department contributes actively in the fields of education, research and service. The department is equipped to educate the National and International Medical students in all branches of Anatomy and their applied aspects.

  • Promoting International Standards of knowledge of Anatomy through quality education
  • To provide state of the art Medical Education and Training in Anatomy that produces global leaders in field of Medicine
  • To provide Medical training in Anatomy making optimum use of traditional as well modern teaching aids.
  • To promote sympathy and empathy towards fellow beings
  • To provide an environment of freedom of inquiry
  • To conduct and publish Research on important medical issues with Local, National and Global impact.

HOD Profile

Name: Dr. Mandar Ambike

Qualification: MBBS, MS (Anatomy)


Dr. Mandar Ambike has taught Anatomy for 25 years in Universities in India and Abroad. He has been a undergraduate teacher for MBBS, BDS, BPT, Nursing and Alied health sciences and also guided the post-graduate in their thesis work. He is a dedicated teacher whose lectures in gross anatomy, histology, and embryology are the most memorable to students. He is the most reliable, inspiring and popular teacher among the students. He understands students' capability and ensures to make a solid foundation in the basics of Anatomy.

Awards and Achievements:

While Working in the Gulf Medical University UAE, he has been awarded "Excellence in teaching" and "Most inspiring faculty".


  • Lifetime member of research society in B.J medical college.
  • Lifetime member of Indian Medical Association (IMA)
  • Lifetime member of Anatomical Society of India (ASI)

Research Interest & Publications:

  • Medical education is his primary area of interest; he has researched medical education and formulated the curriculum for undergraduates.
  • He also researched the Obesity thymus gland and published 10 research articles in reputed national and international journals.

Outreach Activities:

He is an active member of Rotary club of Pune south, focussing on the wellness of underprivileged people, some of the major activities conducted are:

  • Pulse polio
  • Happy village activity
  • Skill development in the rural areas

Infrastructure facilities

The department has a Dissection hall provided with sufficient cadavers for dissection. It is equipped with traditional as well as innovative and modern teaching aids. Skeletons (articulated as well as disarticulated) and display of radiology plates are available for clinical correlation by the students. 

Symbiosis in its effort to provide latest teaching material to students will be conducting part of Anatomy teaching on “Anatomage” which is a virtual dissection table, an innovative and cutting-edge teaching learning technology. This will be used for teaching as well as for taking examinations. 

The department has a well-equipped, well lit histology laboratory with high quality microscopes and slides of International standards. The state-of-art Anatomy museum has been divided into specialized sections such as gross anatomy, sectional anatomy, osteology, embryology and radiology. The museum is also provided with computers with internet facility to help in further studies by students who are observing the exhibits. 

The department has a library with books covering regular undergraduate teaching as well as higher studies and research in various related fields. 

Dissection Hall

Tank Room 1 & 2

Embalming Room

Histology Lab

Anatomy Museum


Demo Room 1 & 2

Research Lab

Faculty Rooms

Locker Room

Non-Teaching Room


An Innovative and cutting-edge teaching learning technology


The department runs a robust “Body donation programme” and regular awareness lectures are arranged in the region to raise awareness levels of the people.

The department has embalming facility as a service to the region.

Research Publications

All the faculty members are regularly involved in research and have a total of 83 publications to their credit in various National and International journals.

Dr. Mandar Ambike

Sr. no. Year Publications



Dr. Mandar Ambike. Future of Anatomy in Integrated Medical Curriculum. Sch J App Med Sci, June, 2019; 7(6): 2084-2086



Dr Mandar Ambike , Dr Mahesh Taru. Study of Sexing the Human Sterni: Observational study. Applied Physiology and Anatomy Digest; June 2019 (4) 01, 24 -27



Dr Mandar Ambike, Dr Mahesh Taru. Prevalence of Obesity in high economy group of Adults. Applied Physiology and Anatomy Digest June 2019 (4) 01, 34 – 37



Vijayakumar K,Bokan R,Bharambe V,Ambike M, Arunprasad VK.Preparation of Wet Specimens in Anatomy Museum: A Practical Approach to Overcome Difficulties. IJMSIR,2020,5 (1):179-188.



Vijayakumar Kathirgamam, Mandar Ambike, Raju Bokan, Vaishaly Bharambe, Arun Prasad. Analyzing the effects of exercise prescribed based on health-related fitness assessment among different somatotypes. Journal of Health Sciences. 2020:10(1):83-89..



Ambike M, Chopade D. Prevalence of Thyroid Dysfunction in Down’s Syndrome. International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences. 2020;9(7):32-37.



Ambike, Mandar, V; Vijayakumar, K.; Bokan, Raju R.; Arunprasad V. K; Vaishaly K. Bharambe. Implementation of New Competency Based Medical Education in India - Are We Ready to (For) Change? International Journal Of Modern Agriculture 2020; 9(3): ‏ 1491-1498.

8 2022 Ambike, Mandar & Kazi, Nabilah & Vk, Arun Prasad & Chopade, Dnyandeo & Kondaveeti, Suresh. (2022). Age-related Variation in TSH Levels in Patients with Down’s Syndrome -A Ten Year Longitudinal Study. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation. 13. 43-47. 10.5530/223097131714
9 2023 Ambike, Mandar & Chaware, Prashant & Taru, Mahesh. (2023). Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences Study Of Relation Of Height And Obesity And Their Clinical Implications. 13. 80-85. 10.33887/rjpbcs/2022.13.6.12.
10 2023 Chaware, Prashant & Ambike, Mandar & Taru, Mahesh. (2023). Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences Study of variational Anatomy of Coeliac Trunk and its Branches -A Cadaveric Study. 13. 86-90. 10.33887/rjpbcs/2022.13.6.13.
11 2023 Bharambe V, Vijayakumar K, Arunprasad V, Methepatil S, Jadhav S, Ambike M. A descriptive cross-sectional study to assess knowledge regarding brain death among health professionals in India. Indian Journal of Transplantation. 2023;17(1):55. doi:10.4103/ijot.ijot_126_21
12 2023 K. Vijayakumar, Mandar Ambike, Daksha Dixit. A Cost-Effective Novel Method of Preparing Plastinated Specimens of Brain. Int J Anat Res 2023;11(2):8640-8644. DOI: 10.16965/ ijar.2023.144.

Dr. Daksha Dixit

Sr. no. Year Publications
1 2023 K. Vijayakumar, Mandar Ambike, Daksha Dixit. A Cost-Effective Novel Method of Preparing Plastinated Specimens of Brain. Int J Anat Res 2023;11(2):8640-8644. DOI: 10.16965/ ijar.2023.144.
2 2023 Vijayakumar K, Dixit D, Sundarasamy S. Effects of kegel and general fitness exercises in reducing the severity of urinary Incontinence: An interventional study. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND DIAGNOSTIC RESEARCH. 2023; doi:10.7860/jcdr/2023/62437.18207

Dr. Supriya Methepatil

Sr. No. Year Publications



Methepatil Supriya Sarjerao, Herekar N G. Study of Correlation of Foot Length and Foot Breadth with Stature in Humans. Indian J Anat.2018;7(1):29-34.



Methepatil Supriya S, Herekar N G. Study of Correlation of Hand Parameters with Stature in Humans. Indian J Anat.2019;8(3):191-195



Dr. Baig MM, Dr. Dethe Vrushali, Dr. Methepatil Supriya, “Morphological and Morphometric Analysis of Talar Articular Facets in Human Calcanei in Maharashtrian Population – A Descriptive Study”, IJMSIR- January - 2022, Vol – 7, Issue - 1, P. No. 209 – 215.

4 2022 Methepatil SS, Dethe VA. Prediction of height using hand and foot parameters in Maharashtrian Population. Natl J Clin Anat 2022;11:143-7.
5 2022 Baig MM, Dethe Vrushali, Methepatil Supriya, “Morphological and Morphometric Analysis of Talar Articular Facets in Human Calcanei in Maharashtrian Population – A Descriptive Study”, IJMSIR- January - 2022, Vol – 7, Issue - 1, P. No. 209 – 215.
6 2023 Bharambe V, Vijayakumar K, Arunprasad V, Methepatil S, Jadhav S, Ambike M. A descriptive cross-sectional study to assess knowledge regarding brain death among health professionals in India. Indian Journal of Transplantation. 2023;17(1):55. doi:10.4103/ijot.ijot_126_21

Dr. Sunit Jadhav

Sr. No. Year Publications



Jadhav S V, Bharambe V K, Pathak V S, et al. (March 11, 2022) A Novel Online Dissection Course on Lower Limb Anatomy During the COVID- 19 Pandemic. Cureus 14(3): e23081.

2 2022 Jadhav, S., Kondaeveeti, S., Behl, O., Vijaya Sagar, T., Davda, A., Kaushal, A., & Jean, O. (2022). An Online Undergraduate Medical Examination conducted using the Learning Management System -Moodle 3.9 (A student centric Observational Study). 20(10), 4249–4257.
3 2022 Jadhav S, Behl O, Khurjekar A, Pathak V, Sinha A, VK. Arunprasad. Google Classroom as a Teaching Tool for Undergraduate Embryology. Cureus. 2022 Sep 28;14(9):e29701. doi: 10.7759/cureus.29701. PMID: 36321060; PMCID: PMC9616175.
4 2022 Jadhav S V, Bharambe V K, Pathak V S, VK. Arunprasad, et al. (March 11, 2022) A Novel Online Dissection Course on Lower Limb Anatomy During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Cureus 14(3): e23081. doi:10.7759/cureus.23081
5 2023 Bharambe V, Vijayakumar K, Arunprasad V, Methepatil S, Jadhav S, Ambike M. A descriptive cross-sectional study to assess knowledge regarding brain death among health professionals in India. Indian Journal of Transplantation. 2023;17(1):55. doi:10.4103/ijot.ijot_126_21

Dr. K. Vijayakumar

Sr. No. Year Publications



Vijayakumar K,Bokan R,Bharambe V,Ambike M, Arunprasad VK.Preparation of Wet Specimens in Anatomy Museum: A Practical Approach to Overcome Difficulties. IJMSIR,2020,5 (1):179-188.



Vijayakumar K,Senthilkumar S,Bharambe V,Bokan R.A Comparison of Self-Designed Scanner Device and AutoCAD Image Calibration Method with Gold Standard Classical Ink Foot Print Method: An Analysis of Arches of Foot”.IJMSIR,2020,5 (1):171-178.



Vijayakumar Kathirgamam, Mandar Ambike, Raju Bokan, Vaishaly Bharambe, Arun Prasad. Analyzing the effects of exercise prescribed based on health-related fitness assessment among different somatotypes. Journal of Health Sciences. 2020:10(1):83-89..



Kondaveeti S, Kathirgamam V, Pandey R, Sagar M, K V, Karthikeyan B. The Efficacy of Glycated Albumin in Diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes Among Indian Children and Young Adolescents. Journal of critical reviews. 2020;7(12):286-295.



Vijayakumar k, Dineshkumar D. Effects of Therapeutic Weight Loss Exercises on Obese Indivduals with Genu Valgum Deformity. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. 2020;11(9):184-189.



Ambike, Mandar, V; Vijayakumar, K.; Bokan, Raju R.; Arunprasad V. K; Vaishaly K. Bharambe. Implementation of New Competency Based Medical Education in India - Are We Ready to (For) Change? International Journal Of Modern Agriculture 2020; 9(3): ‏ 1491-1498.



Vijayakumar K, Senthilkumar S, Chandratre SG, Bharambe V. An analysis of arches of the foot: Grading the severity of pesplanus and pescavus using a newly designed podoscope and parameters. J Anat Soc India 2021;70:85-92



Vijayakumar K, Subramanian R, Senthilkumar S, Dineshkumar D. An Analysis of Arches of Foot: A Comparison between Ink Foot Print Method and Custom Made Podoscope Device Method. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International. 2021;33(34B):249-256.



Vijayakumar K, Kondaveeti S, Chandratre S, Dineshkumar D, Chakravarthy J. Effects of Kegels Exercises and Fitness Exercises in Improving the Stress, Urge or Mixed Urinary Incontinence (U.I.) Among the Elderly Seniors Using an Adult Urinary Diaper Pad Method. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International. 2021;33(34B):26-33.

10 2023 K. Vijayakumar, Mandar Ambike, Daksha Dixit. A Cost-Effective Novel Method of Preparing Plastinated Specimens of Brain. Int J Anat Res 2023;11(2):8640-8644. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2023.144.
11 2023 K. Vijayakumar, Pranali Pal, T. Vijayasagar. An Analysis of Foot Morphology Using a Self-Designed Foot Scanner in Preparing Custom-Made Footwear: An Anatomical Approach. Int J Anat Res 2023;11(3):8699-8704. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2023.165.
12 2023 Vijayakumar K, Dixit D, Sundarasamy S. Effects of kegel and general fitness exercises in reducing the severity of urinary Incontinence: An interventional study. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND DIAGNOSTIC RESEARCH. 2023; doi:10.7860/jcdr/2023/62437.18207.
13 2023 Supadevi. S, K. Vijayakumar, Supasakthi. S, Manimozhian. N. Comparative Morphological and Morphometrical Analysis of AtrioVentricular Valves of Human and Porcine. Int J Anat Res 2023;11(1):8559-8563. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2022.287.
14 2023 Bharambe V, Vijayakumar K, Arunprasad V, Methepatil S, Jadhav S, Ambike M. A descriptive cross-sectional study to assess knowledge regarding brain death among health professionals in India. Indian Journal of Transplantation. 2023;17(1):55. doi:10.4103/ijot.ijot_126_21.

Dr. Arunprasad VK

Sr. No. Year Publications



Vijayakumar K,Bokan R,Bharambe V,Ambike M, Arunprasad VK.Preparation of Wet Specimens in Anatomy Museum: A Practical Approach to Overcome Difficulties. IJMSIR,2020,5 (1):179-188.



Vijayakumar Kathirgamam, Mandar Ambike, Raju Bokan, Vaishaly Bharambe, Arun Prasad. Analyzing the effects of exercise prescribed based on health-related fitness assessment among different somatotypes. Journal of Health Sciences. 2020:10(1):83-89..



Ambike, Mandar, V; Vijayakumar, K.; Bokan, Raju R.; Arunprasad V. K; Vaishaly K. Bharambe. Implementation of New Competency Based Medical Education in India - Are We Ready to (For) Change? International Journal Of Modern Agriculture 2020; 9(3): ‏ 1491-1498.



Jadhav S, Bharambe V, Pathak V, Khurjekar A, Navandar R, Arunprasad.A Novel Online Dissection Course on Lower Limb Anatomy During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Cureus 14(3): e23081. DOI 10.7759/cureus.23081

5 2022 Jadhav S V, Bharambe V K, Pathak V S, VK. Arunprasad, et al. (March 11, 2022) A Novel Online Dissection Course on Lower Limb Anatomy During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Cureus 14(3): e23081. doi:10.7759/cureus.23081
6 2022 Ambike, Mandar & Kazi, Nabilah & Vk, Arun Prasad & Chopade, Dnyandeo & Kondaveeti, Suresh. (2022). Age-related Variation in TSH Levels in Patients with Down’s Syndrome -A Ten Year Longitudinal Study. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation. 13. 43-47. 10.5530/223097131714
7 2023 Bharambe V, Vijayakumar K, Arunprasad V, Methepatil S, Jadhav S, Ambike M. A descriptive cross-sectional study to assess knowledge regarding brain death among health professionals in India. Indian Journal of Transplantation. 2023;17(1):55. doi:10.4103/ijot.ijot_126_21

Mrs. Pranali Pal

Sr. No. Year Publications
1 2023 K. Vijayakumar, Pranali Pal, T. Vijayasagar. An Analysis of Foot Morphology Using a Self-Designed Foot Scanner in Preparing Custom-Made Footwear: An Anatomical Approach. Int J Anat Res 2023;11(3):8699-8704. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2023.165

Case Reports



Anupriya Kaur , Arun Prasad , Jessy Jayaraman Pushpaja , Kanchan Kapoor. Fetal Autopsy Showing Two Ventral Body Wall Defects: An Unusual Presentation. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2020 Oct, Vol-14(10): AD01-AD02